Sunday, October 24, 2010

Day 18 - Plans/dreams/goals you have

Day 18 - Plans/dreams/goals you have

I've heard a quote numerous times that says something like "If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans." For just that reason, I don't make plans. Because they don't work out.

Okay just kidding. That's totally a lie. I plan, a lot. More so than I probably should. I have a plan of how my life should go, though, in reality, I realize that there's no way I can predict exactly how my life is going to go. But I can have a rough draft kind of laid out, can't I? 

Sometimes though, I fail to plan. Many of my friends frequently comment on how Forrest and I never seem to plan things, we just kind of go with it. This happened a lot when we first started dating. My roommates would be like "Oh, when are you and Forrest going to go to such and such?" And I would respond with "I dunno. Whenever he calls." I think we've gotten better at planning when we are supposed to be doing things. But a little spontaneity never hurt anyone right? 

But as of right now, here are some of my plans/dreams/goals

1) Graduate from college (Despite what some people think, coughforrestcough, I did not come to BYU just to get my MRS Degree.)
2) Get an internship for journalism somewhere awesome, like at the New Era, or in Washington D.C. (as of right now, I'm leaning towards the latter)
3) Get married to the most wonderfulest person in the world (I wonder who that could be! ;)
4) Have cute kids 
5) Live somewhere cool. I feel like I have lived in pretty much the same place forever. Because, well, I never moved from my house in Colorado until I was 18, and even then, I moved to Utah. Not the hugest culture change. I think it would be neat to live in another part of the country (or world!)
6) Serve a mission with my hubby someday
7) Go to Disneyland (again. I love that place)
8) Share my testimony more
9) Get caught up on my sleep (I realize this probably won't happen until I'm like 70. But that's okay)

I'm with that, I'm done. 


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahaha i totally agree with you on catching up on your sleep, i've been sleep deprived for way too long. are you planning on doing the washington seminar?