Monday, October 18, 2010

Day 12: How you found out about blogs and why you made one

Day 12: How you found out about blogs and why you made one

I think my first post, on February 4th, 2008, pretty much sums up this:

Well, after reading my sisters and relatives (and actually, a lot of random blogs of people I don't even know), and having my sister Cindy tell me, I decided to join the blogger world. I'm not gonna promise any amazing insights (even though i am quite amazing..just kidding!), but hopefully someone will find it interesting. I'll post a post today..or tomorrow..or eventually. Enjoy!

Oh..and don't forgot to vote tomorrow in Super Tuesday if your states participating. Go Romney!!!
You can see what an exciting person I was back then (I've only got more awesome, as I'm sure). I proceeded to write a post about how my mom, Michael, and I went to some Mitt Romney pep rally. That was probably the most exciting thing of my life. Anyways, I'm glad my sisters told me to start a blog. It's a pretty good way to keep a history of my life...I was going back and reading some of my posts from when I first started writing on here. It was kind of fun to read about fun things from my past and see how I've grown and changed over the past 3 years.


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