The first side of me likes to rebel. When someone tells me something that bugs them, I suddenly feel more inclined to do (or not do) the behavior they had described.
Example: My dad told me to clean my room many times growing up. But every time he suggested told me too, I felt incredibly less motivated to do it.
Another Example: Kristian tells me that it bugs him how I always ask him why he hates me. In response, I do it even more. (He secretly loves it)
The other side of me is far more considerate and want to make people happy. On some occasions, something a person tells me is rooted so deep in my thoughts, whenever I even consider doing the opposite, his or her's voice haunts my mind.
Truly, I'd say it's about 50/50 on which of these certain "sides" of me come out. It all depends on the execution of the person telling (or sometimes, reprimending) me.
However, there are two situations that come to mind that I am reminded of on an almost daily basis. They are times where I honestly feel like I'll be cursed if I choose to do otherwise. They both have to do with two of my brother-in-laws.
AJ and Grocery Carts
Image courtesy of
Image courtesy of
This story begins back before I believe Cindy and AJ were even married. I can't recall the exact location, but that does not play any part in the story. All I remember is AJ proclaiming how he could not stand it when people left their grocery carts in the parking lot. At that point, I knew I had to change my ways. Yes, I usually put the carts away, but there were often moments where my car was at an inconvenient location, it was raining, or I was just feeling lazy, and I left it by my car. However, ever since then, I have never left a cart just sitting in the lot. In fact, when people I am with refuse to return the cart, I do it for them. I'd like to say it's because I am just looking out for my fellow cars, but no. It's because not only can I just imagine AJ giving me a disapproving look, but I have realized how much it truly annoys me when there is a grocery cart sitting right smack dab in the middle of a prime parking spot. So, thank you AJ. For making such an intense impression on my grocery store decisions. Just yesterday I parked at the very back of a parking lot, and it was really cold. For the first time in awhile, I almost just left the cart there. But I couldn't. I honestly got a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. How's that for a conscience?
David's Driving Pet-Peeves
Image courtsey of
Obviously, I'm not a fan of driving, as is evident from several of my previous posts. However, on occasion (okay, more often than not), I break minor traffic rules. You know, going a tiny bit over the speed limit (but really. 35 miles an hour? What kind of speed limit is that?). Forgetting to put on my turn signal. I'll even admit that once I ran a red light last semester, though in my defense, it was 3:00 in the morning and the light WAS NOT turning. I was only looking out for my own safety--Provo is quite the dangerous town.Well, a few months ago, I believe it was when Lyla was born, I drove up to Salt Lake with Kristalyn and David. Something happened (I can't remember what) and David went off on how much he can't stand people not driving correctly. Though he did admit that the only law he broke was speeding. He particularly mentioned getting into the correct lane when turning, rather than skipping several lanes right off the bat. I never really knew that was not allowed, and I did it all the time, because I hate the thought of changing lanes. However, David was really intense about it, and it kind of scared me. Scared me enough to never do that again. It is so tempting. Especially when there are no other cars around. But much like the shopping cart thing, even thinking about it makes me feel extremely guilty. So thank you David, for making me a more cautious driver. I even make sure to put on my blinker at every possible time I need to.
Moral of the story? I pretty much only listen to my brother in laws, little children (my nieces and nephews have my wrapped around their fingers), and perhaps an occasional attractive boy. So if you are a female over the age of 10, you're out of the luck.
Oh, and once again, check out my blog from my journalism class. I'll be updating it a few times a week, and/or follow me on my journalism twitter account. I realized that my friends who follow me probably don't want random news stories tweeted to them every hour, and that my more "professional" account followers wouldn't want to hear about what I ate for breakfast. Everyone wins!
And sad news. Mystery Man wasn't the security guard last night. It was the guy that said howdy, and some weird girl. The guy said hi to me again though. Maybe I'll marry him instead, he was pretty attractive too.

I just read your journalism blog and thought it was great! It was really nice to see the more professional, slightly more grammatical side of you! I tried to leave a comment twice and neither one has appeared yet. So if you are wondering why you don't get any comments there might be a problem with the program. :)
I'm also the same with the 50/50 thing.
If you want me to do something for you, you should tell me how great I am... that works every time. Otherwise I'm a total rebel.
Why do we do that??
Okay, okay if someone showers me in compliments ill probably be more likely to do something for them. If they are a boy.
that is so funny about AJ and the shopping carts, b\c I am the same way now! I always have to return it, even when I am not with AJ, I do it automatically, and totally feel guilty if I don't! I am glad he has changed our ways!
Same here with the shopping carts! LOL AJ must be so proud =)
I have to admit that I always think twice when I'm thinking about not returning a cart, and once or twice I haven't because there was only like one shopping cart queue in the whole lot that I could see and it was really far away and I have heard that someone once got reported to the police because they left their kids in the car while they went across the parking lot to return a cart and was away too long. (Probably not true but I still wonder). But I did feel guilty. :)
David will be proud that he influenced your driving habits for the better. :)
oh man, I HATE when people don't return their grocery carts. I ALWAYS do. Even if it's at the most inconvenient location. Mostly because I HATE when other people leave them & then they are in my way. This is too funny, sometimes when people tell me not to do or say something it inclines me to do so. Chase is the same way, I tell him not to do something because I don't like it & it makes him want to do it even more :)
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