So in attempts to rebel against authority and stick it to the Man, I refuse to spend hours cleaning my apartment at cleaning check time. I'll admit, last time I did spend two hours, but that was because our dishwasher was broken and I had to wash every single dish by hand (I really didn't have 5$ to spare). Plus, I hate a dirty kitchen. But every other time? 15 minutes at max. And it's not like it doesn't look clean; it does. I'm just super fast and not meticulous.
After work on Tuesday night, I came home to my apartment of roommates cleaning their little hearts out. It seemed as if they had been going at it for hours. Which, I found out, they had. Cleaning checks were the next day and they were working hard to ensure they passed. It was about 10:00 and I had been at work for the previous five hours. I did not want to clean. So I sat on the couch and vowed to get up early and do my work the next morning. I really had no choice; cleaning checks were set to start between 1:00 and 5:00 (they are like those dumb cable companies that NEVER tell you the exact time they are coming) the next day, and I would be on campus all day starting at 8:00.
The next morning, I wake up at 6:00 and I look at my sheet of chores. There were several different items on it: Clean up the living room, clean my room, dust a bunch stuff, Clean the front porch, vacuum, clean the windows and window sill.
The list went on.
I walked around the living room and tidied up a seat cushion or two, and put the pillows on the couch. After that, I went outside in my pajamas in the freezing cold and swept spiderwebs off the ceiling. I even swept the porch a little bit. After that, instead of vacuuming since my roommates were all still asleep, I picked up a few pieces of fluff that were on the ground and threw them away. At this point, my room still needed to be cleaned. Hilary was sound asleep. So I cleaned my room in the pitch dark. It was quite the experience trying to dust my dresser and make my bed, but I did it. Finally, I was done.
How long did this take? My rough estimate would be about 7 minutes. And then I ate breakfast and got ready for the day.
After a long day on campus, I came home from school, and guess who passed her cleaning check.
You guessed it. I did.
My brother Daniel said it would have been a much better story had all my roommates failed. But luckily for them, they did not.
But moral of the story is? Don't spend hours cleaning your apartment for cleaning checks. Chances are, you'll still pass if you clean for just five minutes. Unless you have psycho cleaning people.
Oh, and if you spray the entry way to the doors with some kind of cleaning spray? It makes it smell like you've cleaned for hours. I picked that tip up for Christie's brother last year. Or bribe the cleaning check person with ice cream. I think we did that a couple times last year.
(Truly, I do clean, as much of a surprise as that might be to my mother. I can't stand a dirty kitchen, so every so often I'll go and clean all the dishes and tidy it up. My room...Yes it can get messy. But about every two weeks, I can't stand it and I clean everything in my room. My whole deal with not wanting to clean intensely for cleaning check goes back to the idea from my last post, that I don't like doing things when I'm told to. I'm just trying to make a statement, mmmk?)

Spyglas cleaning checker was crazy. She also showed up whenever the beep she wanted, even when she set a specific time to come...
My husband lived at The Riv when we were dating. I remember that he had a cleaning check. Their apartment was NASTY.
haha great story. The first time we had a cleaning check after living in heritage, we went crazy and cleaned for a couple hours. Now we do it all in half an hour. And our vacuum is broken. Oh, cleaning checks. another good reason to get married.
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