Usually, I really love you. Occasionally I'll have a random urge to watch a movie, and I just drive over to one of your convenient locations, rent a movie for a cheap price of 1.07$, and go enjoy it in the comfort of my home. Recently, I discovered the online reservation/search system. How much I love finding the exact location of one the movie I want, and being able to reserve it, just so no one steals it while I drive there. What makes you even better is this:
(In case you aren't overly bright, the part that is cut off says "location". I was in a hurry and couldn't perfect the picture)
How wonderful it is to know that I (and everyone else that uses you) can return my DVD to ANY location. It makes life so much easier. Let's take this past weekend. Most of the redboxes around my apartment were out of The Accidental Husband. However, I found one about 5 miles from my apartment, and not wanting to disappointed Hilary and Megan (and myself, as I was looking forward to watching it agaiN), journeyed out there to get it. Mind you, it was at a creepy gas station where I'm pretty sure I almost died. Not even kidding. And how wonderful would it be to rent a movie, watch it on your in-car DVD player on a long road trip, and return it to a RedBox in another state. I've never done it, but I'm just saying. It'd be awesome.
Anyways, that's beside the point. For a few days, I forgot to return the DVD from the creepy redbox. Thank goodness for your gracious late fee of only 1$ per day. About 20 minutes before I had to be to work, I decided that there was enough time to return it. So I drove to the McDonald's right by my apartment, walked over to one of your beautiful kiosks, and triumphantly pressed the "Return DVD button." Well. Imagine my complete surprise when I saw a message pop up on the screen notifying me that I COULDN'T return it to that RedBox because it was "full". I tried it in the other kiosk right next to it with no avail.
You lied, RedBox. Lied.
For one thing, right before I got there, someone had just barely rented a movie. Using that logic, there would have been at least one open space in your little box.
But here's the bigger issue. You tell me I can return my DVD at any redbox. But I couldn't. And because of this, I had to drive to another redbox and return it, causing me to almost be late for work. Luckily, the lights of Provo decided to be nice to be and be green, so I made it to work exactly on time. Had I not . . . It would not have been pretty.
Fortunately for you and the Redbox at McDonald's on Bull Dog, I am a nice person. I will forgive you this one time for lying and not letting me return my DVD. But, don't let it happen again.
Katie. One of the most Loyal RedBoxer's out there. Well, kind of.

Redbox has let me and the boyf down soooo many times. Luckily, the Redbox at my local grocery store got replaced with a Blockbuster box. So far, so good.
hm a blockbuster box? I've never heard of that.
I have used Redbox only once. I am sort of frightened of it.
WTF? I say we boycott redbox.
I am about as good at returning movies as I am at returning library books. I have "bought" a few red box movies because it took me so long to return them. LOL
One time my redbox wouldn't play in my DVD player and I thought it wasn't balanced correctly because of the sticker, so I took it off.
Well, Redbox wouldn't allow the return because the bar code sticker was missing. I didn't have time to call them to sort it out so I kept if for a week.
When I finally got around to calling them to arrange the "return" the guy asked me what day I FIRST tried to return it. I told him it was 6 days earlier... and he cleared the charges.
My point: Call them and they'll give you a credit for future rentals or something.
That is all.
I've used redbox plenty of times and never had any problems. Sorry to here it let you down. 8(
ahh annoying! I've never heard of a redbox being FULL. One time Chase & I went to rent a movie & the redbox was broken, so we went to one around the corner...broken, so we went to ANOTHER ONE around the corner...broken. Lame. we gave up.
Oh speaking of redbox, one time Chase & I were running late to get somewhere but I had to return our dvd so I ran into walgreens & there was a family with 3 girls renting a movie, so I waited patiently as they scrolled through every page...they kept turning around & looking at me (I think they knew I was in a hurry but proceeded to take their sweet time)finally after almost 15 min (no joke) I nicely said "excuse me I'm not trying to be rude but can I just return this really quick, I'm kind of in a hurry" the mom looked at me with the most evil rude look on her face and said in THE MOST SNOTTY TONE no because I have a bunch of movies in our cart & I don't want to have to go back & find them all & then turned around. I truely wanted to punch her in the face. So I just turned around & walked out of the store before I punched her.
we love red box, too, but we can never return them on time! It is so easy, but such a hastle, too! haha
Oh my gosh, I got that full message for the first time a couple days ago too!! I had to drive across town to get to another Redbox. Lame.
Have you heard about Family Video? they have a web site. $1.40 for their movie rentals and most you can get for 5 nights. Alot cheaper than the box! Look them up!
Wow! I didn't even know that was possible! Full?! I hardly use redbox but that is so not cool
They send me e-mail coupons for free movies occasionally. I like it.
I know this is an old post, but in case someone stubbles across it.... I had a similar situation come up. Movie ended up in kids room and wasn't found for a week (and lucky it wasn't longer.). Called Red Box and while they couldn't credit anything back, they sent me 3 free rental codes because I rent there regularly and don't keep movies that long. 5 minute phone call and they were very helpful.
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