Friday, August 14, 2009

Hi, My name is Katie

(No, this is not me)

And I'm addicted to the snooze button.
Really. I can't think of one time EVER that I haven't pressed the snooze button on my alarm.
At least twice.
Which makes me wonder, now, why don't I just set my alarm for the exact time I need to get up, therefore getting between 10-30 minutes of extra sleep?
Um. I don't really know.
I just get some sort of satisfaction in being like "ha! I can sleep longer"
It's kind of like waking up in the middle of the night, and realizing you have 3 more hours of sleep. I love that. Am I weird for that?
Really though, the snooze button is not so good sometimes.
Especially because even after I stop pressing it, I will still just lay in bed for about five minutes more.
Especially if it's early. Like six.
I leave for work at 625. I set my alarm for 5:30. And I wake up at 6:10 usually But still, I manage to do my hair, put on makeup, and eat breakfast in those 15 minutes.
I have become quite the expert at getting ready really fast since early morning seminary. Honestly, even when I have time to get ready in the morning, it doesn't take me more than 20 minutes. Which makes me wonder how some girls take hours to get ready.
Maybe I'm just weird.
Anyways, besides the point.
I love the snooze button!
Anyone else?


Hilary said...

I also love waking up and knowing I have longer to sleep!! haha. I've gone through snooze-button phases, but now I just set two alarms, one for 10 minutes before I have to get up and then for the time I really want hehe. I'm glad someone else is the same way!!

Kristina P. said...

I can't get up right at the time my alarm goes off. I have to gradually wake myself up.

Diana said...

I totally love the snooze button. I push mine at least 4 times. =)

Mars said...

ME! I set one alarm for about 45 min before I REALLY need to get up...and then one for the REAL time I neeed to get up. I hit snooze like 3-4 times & love the extra sleep. Then when the final one goes off I know that I HAVE TO get up.

I could probably just set it for the time i need to get up but either way, I'll be tired & want to hit snooze, so might as well set it early so I can keep hitting snooze & get that satisfaction then get up when I HAVE TO.

ok I'm weird. I don't make sense. I love the snooze button too :)