Monday, February 9, 2009

Cool Website!

So awhile back I came across this cool website called Big Oven. It's this recipe generator thing, where you put in up to three ingredients you have in your pantry/fridge/etc. and it comes up with recipes you could make with them! I've used it a couple of times and it usually comes up with some pretty yummy recipes! Daniel made this really good Mexican chicken casserole with a recipe from there, and it definitely turned out good! It also has an option to type in leftovers you have to create a new recipe :) Also, as I was searching through some random recipe blogs today, I came acorss this one: . There's only a few pages of recipes, but this is one of the first recipe blogs I've come across that I really like all the recipes, and they seem relatively easy. I'm definitely planning on making this sometime this week! If anyone knows of any good recipe blogs, let me know. I like finding new recipes.

1 comment:

Babzanne Barker said...

Okay, Katie, I loved the idea of a three item dish, so I went to the blog and put in avocado, angel hair, and sausage, thinking I would get a recipe for something with only those ingredients--but what they came up with had about 15 ingredients! I was so sad! But wouldn't that be a cool blog for you to start!!