Tuesday, November 30, 2010


I haven't posted for awhile--planning a wedding in a month and a half, trying to finish up a semester of school, and cuddling with my sweetheart,  all while working doesn't leave much for much else. :) And I realize Thanksgiving is over, but I still wanted to write a grateful post, because, frankly, I have far too much to be grateful not to write it all down.

~There is finally a working heater in my apartment! For the past month I have been sleeping with a long sleeved shirt, a hoodie, and two pairs of pajama/sweat pants, and three blankets. Last night I actually went to bed without half of those things. Yahoo!~

~I got to go home for Thanksgiving and spend it with my parents and little brother, and, of course, Forrest. It was such a nice break and I just love going to Colorado!~

~We missed any major snow to and from Colorado. I feel very blessed about that~

~My wonderful family who I just love so so much~

~My friend Cortney for picking up our wedding announcements because they arrived in Provo the day after we left~

~Elegant Wedding Announcements for making our beautiful announcements, and at an affordable price!~

~That we won free bridal and engagement photos, which really cut down costs on photography by quite a bit~

~Even though someone coughForrestcough woke up later than originally planned on Black Friday, we were still able to get lots of great things (mainly for my mom)~

~Promises that come with paying tithing--everything really does work out!~

~The sweet couple that are teaching the marriage prep class we are in right now. We've only been once, but it was such a great class and we learned a lot. I'm excited to go to the last two!~

~The Gospel and the part it plays in my life. I am so grateful to have been raised in the Church and to know what I know~

~My English Language TA is letting me turn in my assignment late, but for full credit, since I had to miss class last Tuesday so we could miss the snow storm~

~My parents~

~My siblings, their spouses, and children~

~My future inlaws. Heaven knows someone as wonderful as Forrest had to have come from a wonderful family. I can't wait to get to know them better~

~That I can beat Forrest at Wii Tennis on occasion, and always Mario Kart (sorry Forrest :)~


~The Temple--I am so blessed to live so close to one, and that in less than a month, I get to go there to be sealed to my sweet fiance for time and all eternity~

~Everyone that is helping us plan the wedding and helping it come together so smoothly~

~Car battery chargers~

~My job~

~Mint M&M's~

~Getting to see lots of old friends this last week~

~My boots that Forrest hates but I think look awesome with every single article of clothing I own (though I might be the only one who thinks this)~

~The pair of shoes I got at the bookstore three years ago for three dollars that keep my feet warmer than anything else~

and last (but certainly not least)

my wonderful fiancĂ©, Forrest. I'm sure everyone is sick of sappy posts that I write about him, but he truly is the greatest. He makes me so happy by doing just the smallest things. I can't hardly believe we will be married in less than a month, but there's nothing I want more. Even when things are hard and I'm not quite sure how things are going to work out, I know they will as long as I have Forrest by my side. He watches Cake Boss with me and loves it as much as me. He drives my car because he knows how much I don't like driving. He teases me about how once 11:00 hits, I can't stay awake, especially if a movie is on. He holds my hands and cuddles me lots because I'm always so freezing, even when it makes him colder in the process. He is smart and informed about the world. He served a wonderful mission and I know he loved the people he served so much (and I know they loved him too!). I can be myself around him. He's goofy. He's my other half. My friend, Tasha, just got engaged, and she and her fiance both wrote on their blogs about how the others talents fill their gaps, and I love that. That's how I feel about Forrest. I can't describe how much I love this man :)

Happy (late) Thanksgiving!


1 comment:

Tasha said...

Yay I love this! I'm not tired of reading sappy posts, since I know how you feel :] I'm excited for you too! We should go on lots of double dates! :D