Hilary was telling me to write a blog. While there are some things I could write about, I probably won't. So since it's Sunday, I feel like it's appropriate to write about my most recent Temple trip.
I know I've written several times in the past about how much I love the Temple, so sorry if you are sick of hearing about it. But I truly am so grateful for it.
This semester I haven't been able to go every week like I did last semester. I am trying to get back on the weekly schedule I was on, because I know it brought me a lot of peace last year when I did that. Rachael suggested we get some people together this last Saturday to go, which I thought was an awesome idea. So we gathered up a few of our friends, and went at around 6:00 on Saturday (at night, of course). Since it was a Saturday night, there was very few people there. It was really neat, and I felt like the Spirit was particularly strong that night. It was just nice to be back in the Temple, and to feel the peace that comes with being in the Temple. Usually when I do baptisms', I'm by myself so one of the Temple workers just baptize me. However, this time my new friend Forrest (who, despite the fact makes fun of me for having a blog and says legit a lot especially because it bothers me, is really awesome and made the most delicious soup in the world for my roommates and me the other day.), was with us, and I had the opportunity to have him baptize me. I think it's just a cool experience having someone you are friends with baptize you.
After getting dressed back in my Church clothes, I went and sat in the pews and waited for everyone else. I decided to pray a bunch for Daniel and Charbel, that Charbel's visa would come through soon. And guess what, her visa was approved the next day! I know it wasn't just because of my prayers, since there have been many, many prayers uttered on their behalf over the past 5ish months, but it was kind of cool that she was approved the next day. Like I said, the Spirit was very strong, and I definitely will be going back every week from now on. I just feel so blessed to have the Temple so close.
Afterwards we went to a yummy all-you-can-eat pizza, pasta and salad place for dinner. I wasn't very hungry, but it was really good. Then we watched Emma. Not gonna lie, I'm not a huge fan of Jane Austen movies. I think it is something about the British voices. I just can't pay attention. haha.
Anyways, it was a good weekend. I had fun, and I feel very grateful for good friends and the Temple!
Oh, and that guy that I gave my number to? He called; his friends and him came and sang to my apartment. It was cute, and they were awesome singers. Though he's definitely not my type I decided. But it was fun to see him again.
And that is all.

I agree with everything I can remember in this post:
they sang real good,
the temple was great,
it's cool to be baptized by someone you know,
that pizza place was yummy,
and that guy wasn't your type.
I approve of this message. Thanks for making me a blog post to read.
Weekly temple attendance is awesome! I need to be more diligent.
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