Because I hate having to say "what did you say" or "I have no idea what you're saying" (like it's a sign of weakness or something), I usually just nod and smile and pretend like I know what's going on. That's also what I do when someone is telling a really long story, because I have a really short attention span. (why I'm admitting this, I don't know. If you think I've done that to you, don't worry, I haven't.) Usually this works pretty well, except when someone is asking me how I feel about something, to go do something, or about something completely irrelevant that cannot be answered with a simple shake of the head. Cortney is pretty good at discerning when I have no idea what she or someone else said, but that's just after years of practice. As I mentioned, I'm really bad at misinterpreting what a person said. It happens far too often. People need to speak more clearly! Recently, I've had two experiences where my misunderstanding a person has not benefited me in the least.
Scenario #1:
As I mentioned in my last post, my friends and I did baptisms on Saturday. While we were driving to the Pizza Pie Cafe, we passed the MTC. I yelled hello to Hilary's Kurt, and then Forrest (I'm going to keep mentioning him in my blogs until he admits how awesome my blog is), mentioned that his cousin was there and that he had a package he was going to send him. He then said he was going to send him a tie pin, or so I thought. I thought that was kind of random, but I just went with it and started going off on how awesome that was and how everyone loves those. I think Hilary thought he said the same thing too. Then either him or David started saying something about how it's good for stains, and I'm like...what the heck, I've never heard of that before. And then it got into this five minute discussion trying to figure out what exactly was going on. Hilary and I were like, a tie pin? or a Tide pen? A pin, or pen? Tide or Tie? And everyone was just super confused. Or maybe just I was, which is entirely possible. It was one of those times I wish I had just said "Wow that's great. What a great cousin you are," and left it at that. That is a few minutes of my life I will never get back.
Scenario #2:
Yesterday was Sunday. In case you didn't know. We were sitting in our row, and I was kind of dozing off. I felt bad, but it happens. I was also trying to figure out why it is that the Bishopric seems to always stare at our row. I am seriously convinced they think we are the "focus apartment" that needs to be watched out for. I even had a dream about that last night. Anyways, part way through, Stephanie leaned over and mouthed for me to ask Cortney for a cup, or so I thought. I just looked at her with confusion and was like "a cup? what?" and she's like "Yeah!" Once again, my partner in crime Hilary thought she said that too and we just were like...okay then. So I lean towards Rachael, who was closer to Cortney, and I'm like "Hey, tell Cortney Stephanie wants her cup" and Rachael asks me clarify, with the same look of confusion that I had, and I just shrugged my shoulders and said she wanted a cup. She passed the message on to Cortney, and Cortney looked the most confused of all of us. After this, I look back at Stephanie and I'm like "Okay why do you want a cup?" And she's like "NO! Gum!" It was a fail. And Hilary and I started laughing so hard (silently of course). I even started crying, it was so hard not to laugh out loud. For the remainder of the meeting, I kept thinking about it, and giggling every time. I'm sure the Bishopric was appalled. But it was quite funny, though I feel bad if we disrupted any part of Sacrament meeting.
So, there we have it. I fail at life, well, at least at mouth reading, whispering, and misunderstanding people. So basically, at life.
On the other hand, I love Friends. Such a good show, and I'm so addicted. I'm pretty sure half of the things my roommates and I say are in reference to Friends. I guess I can no longer laugh about Cindy and AJ loving it so much.

I do the same thing. I've gotten pretty good at the nod, smile and agree thing, but sometimes you agree when it doesn't make sense and the person gives you a weird look. And that's when you hastily make an excuse to leave.
I hope in the Celestial Kingdom we get perfect hearing so this problem is eliminated.
I can't read mouths for the life of me. I hate when people try to mouth something to me & expect me to understand. Psssh, they wish.
You're funny hehe. I liked reading this. I too am an eavesdropper. I have pretty good hearing, and can hear quiet conversations behind me. But I usually always have to ask people to repeat things when they whisper to me, even in my hear. It's weird how that works. It's actually kind of a pet peeve for me when people whisper in my ear. It grosses me out for some reason. I can't stand it!
I find myself doing that often too...but I always ask "what" "huh" "what did you say" "sorry I missed that" etc because I hate not knowing-although after using one or many of those words & I STILL don't know what's going on, I just say pretend I know :) Chase is really bad, I talk to him & if he didn't hear me or doesn't know he just pretends & then later I realize he didn't even hear me or know what I was talking about haha. I think we all have selective hearing at times :)
no, you were not the only one confused, deaf partner in crime. or, partner in deaf crime... or whatevs. I also was as lost as a bunny in a snowstorm. both times.
Smile and nod also works with people who speak English as a second language.... hahaha
haha, oh Katie, you really make me LOL =)
Me, too! I especially laughed out loud about you being the "focus" apartment! haha
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