Even though I was super sad to leave Colorado and my family there....
This totally made it a whole lot easier
(Mason kissing his little brother Carter while he was asleep)

(Meeting beautiful Kacianna for the first time)
I love having family everywhere I go! :)
And I'm pretty sure it's a rule or something that I always have to my hair in some sort of ponytail when I first hold one of my sisters new children. Here's back in September when I first held Lyla bean :)
So, dumb story of the day. While Daniel and I were driving back to Provo today, the inside of his car started freezing. Like the windows. We had no idea what was going on. It didn't make sense to us. And despite my many attempts to try and scrape the ice off with my fingernails, it didn't work (well it did. But it hurt my fingers kind of. Actually, it more hurt my ears). After about an hour of this madness, Daniel and I realized we had De-icer. This stuff is awesome. Seriously, all you do is spray it on your icy windshield, and viola, the ice is gone. So, we figured that it would work on the inside of the car too, yes? So I spray my window, and since I didn't really have anything to wipe it off with, I use my hand. Awesome idea. Daniel did the same thing, and then he jokes about it probably be poisonous. Being the naive person I am, I agreed, and joked that my hand was turning green.
Well, about 10 minutes later, I decide to read the instructions on the back of the container. At the very bottom, in big print and with an ominous, scary sign, it says "Poisonous!" And has all these warnings. Such as. Don't use on interior windows. Don't touch your hands to it. Don't inhale the fumes. Hm. Check. Check. Check. Basically, I thought we were doomed to die. Especially because it said that intentionally inhalation of the fluid would result in fatality. Even though I wasn't sniffing the bottle, I thought that sitting next to the window where it had been sprayed in a little car was the same thing.
I read this to Daniel, and we both felt extremely dumb. And rolled down our windows. And wiped our hands on a blanket. I am pretty sure I was affected by it, because my head hurts really bad right now, and my vision is slightly blured. Then again, it's about 1:00 am, and I've been awake since 4 in the morning. You pick.
It's good to be back in Provo though. I mean, despite the fact that I was all by myself in my apartment for 4 hours and I came home to a sinkful of nasty dirty dishes that made the whole apartment smell (not my fault. I was the first to leave! And I washed all mine before I left), all is well. Good ol' Ammon kept me company on skype for a few hours, and then my saint-of-a-friend Kristian invited me over after he found out I was all alone. I have a feeling that this semester is gonna be awesome. And trust my feelings. You know the other day when I was feeling all weird, like something big was about to happen? Kristalyn had her baby that night. Wabam. I rock. I pretty much am probably psychic.
The end.
Glad you didn't die!
That's like those stupid oven cleaners that are like, DO NOT LET THIS TOUCH YOUR HAND!!!! They scare me.
Oh I sure do miss you Katie =)
Thats a funny story-I'm glad you guys were not poisoned. Congrats on another new niece. How fun! Enjoy being back in Provo!
That first picture is soooo adorable!!
Glad you are still alive!
Katie--I'm pretty sure only you could make me burst out laughing as I read your account of how you probably really did poison yourself! One of those things I'm glad I didn't know about until you were safe and sound in Provo....
I'm so glad that you are still here after your near poisoning incident! I can't believe that there were dirty yucky dishes in the sink...and that you had to be the one to clean them! No fair. I'm glad you had a feeling that Kacianna was about to come...you guys are going to be close for life!
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