If you were to look at me random times throughout the day, I would most likely be shaking my leg.
Most of the time, I don't even realize it. Someone usually brings it to my attention and is like "Wow. You've been shaking your leg for the best 30 minutes." At that point, I become subconscious about it and try and stop, but without fail, about five minutes later, I'm doing it again.
I know it drives some people crazy. Particularly my mom.
There have been many, many occasions over the years where my mom would quietly reprimand me during Church for shaking my leg during sacrament. Many times she would just put her hand on my leg to get me to stop, but it never really works. This last summer when I was home (and refusing to go to the Singles Ward because really...everyone that goes to the one back home is like 30 years old), the sacrament prayers were being said. I guess my leg was shaking, and my mom kind of slapped her hand down (softly, of course. It was Sacrament meeting) to get me to stop. I was taken back by this, and as a knee jerk reaction, I slapped her hand. I honestly did not mean too, but it sure made a loud noise. It was kind of funny.
However, my favorite "restless leg syndrome" story happened my sophomore year of high school. I was in my English class, and we were having one of those dumb socratic seminars. I hate those SO much. After I said my one required statement, I just sat back and zoned out. I've found that I shake my leg the most when I'm either a) nervous b) impatient or c) zoning out. This was obviously situation c. The discussion went on for awhile, and I was totally out of it. Apparently my teacher was as well, because all of the sudden someone was like "Ms. Wilson, why do you look so out of it," to which she looked kind of embarassed and was like "Sorry. Katie has been shaking her leg for the past 20 minutes, and I couldn't stop watching." Kind of weird, but it was funny. Of course, I turned beat red, because I blush so easily (I blush when I answer a question in class). Cortney was there, and we still joke about it.
Does anyone else have this leg shaking problem? It's not like I enjoy it, because truly, I don't even notice I'm doing it half the time. I am extremely restless though, and have a really hard time sitting in one place at a time. Apparently I move a lot in my sleep as well (as well as talk, according to my roommate from last year). I guess I'm just a weird person.
Heh, as I finished writing this, I noticed I had been shaking my leg. Speak of the devil.

People who shake their legs shake the chairs next to them or the pew. They drive me crazy.
My husband totally has this. He does this all the time, and I usually just end up punching him in the leg to get him to stop.
I don't shake my leg but I move a lot when I'm sitting, I can't just sit perfectly still without moving.
Loved your stories. They make me laugh. My brother used to shake his leg sitting in church-leg shaking doesn't bother me unless its like touching me & I can feel it. I also had a roommate (2 actually) that would carry on conversations with me in their sleep, it would take exchanging words a few times before I would figure out it was just more sleep talking. too funny! We all have our quirks!
Pretty sure you're sitting behind me in the library right now, and I just checked, and your legs weren't shaking. But you did just wake up, maybe that shuts it down.
or maybe it's not even you. I've made such mistakes in the library before.
Unless my bedroom is the library, no, I'm not right behind you. Thanks for playing though!
Well in that case, I found your long lost sister. Isn't that good news?!
That's just the best news I've heard all day! Get her number for me, I'd love to reunite with my long lost sister.
I think it runs in the family. I know Kristalyn and I do it. I'm not sure about the others. =)
As I was reading this. my leg was shaking. Also mom always hits my leg in sacrament meeting every sunday to get me to stop.
I do it too!
I shake my leg a lot. I'm not good at sitting still. I too blush at the drop of a dime. Every time I speak in class. It is bad & I hate it.
It must be genetic...like Diana said, I do it too! THat is hilarious about your English teacher...I can't believe she said that out loud about not being able to stop looking at you shaking your leg. LOL I never really mind that I do it because I read somewhere that people who do that burn a lot more extra calories without even trying. :)
I also know that I talk in my sleep, according to roommates, missionary companions and David.
PS The same annoying thing with turning red whenever I talk anywhere remotely public happens to me! I hate it. people think I'm so shy, but I can't control it!
I think i shake my leg, but not as much as it sounds like you do! haha or maybe I just haven't noticed...
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