I'm not sure why I like this song so much and why it struck a big tear duct. The lyrics are simple, and the idea is nothing new. How many times at Church are we told to listen to the Spirit when it prompts you to call someone? Pretty much every week. Maybe I needed to hear this song, to remind me that if someone is on your mind, they are there for a reason. A lot of the time when I feel like maybe I should call someone or even just randomly start thinking about someone, I push the thought aside. I'm not the most confident in discerning if it's "just me" or an actual prompting of the Spirit. Most of the time I figure it's just my silly thoughts, and I ignore it. I think part of me is afraid of saying something and feeling dumb afterwards. Silly right? I remember when I was still in Young Women's, the Bishopric gave a lesson on listening to the Spirit. I remember that Bishop Smith (I think) was like "sometimes you are prompted to do things. They may not be for any significance, other than Heavenly Father seeing if you are willing to follow those promptings, so He will know if He can trust you in those times a prompting may have an actual outcome if acted upon." That lesson never left me, even though I don't follow the advice near often as I should.
My new goal? Listening for those promptings. I know I am so grateful for those times where I was feeling extremely low, and I prayed for comfort, and it came through a friend.
So listen to this song. I'm not overly sure as to why I decided to post about it, but you never know. Maybe someone else needed to hear this song like I did. :)
But I guess, just remember . . . You never know who might be glad you called. Good night, Friends!
Just to end on a highpoint, I just found the live stream of my favorite radio talk show hosts, Jesse and Shotgun. I listened to them religiously every day in the summer as I rode the light rail to work. I was really sad when they got laid off from 92.5 (I boycotted them from then on), but they just announced where you can listen to them in the mornings via the live stream of their show in San Antonio. I'm so excited. They are seriously my favorite.
And now I'm listening to "Do You Remember" by Jay Sean. Since you were probably wondering.

I can't wait to check out this song when I get home! Thanks for sharing, I've been in the "I need new music in my life" mode this week so suggestions like this makes me happy. & songs that touch something deep down are my fav. 8)
what a great song! I really liked this post, I need to learn to listen to those promptings more than I do. It reminds me of the time I lived in Orem and was having a really, really hard time. I was talking to Diana and was so sad, and probably crying. A few minutes after we got off the phone there was a knock on my door and this boy, Tom who was just a good friend I met, was there and said he was just out and about and thought he should stop by. He came in and talked and he even felt impressed to share his favorite scripture with me. When I told Diana about this,she told me that after we got off the phone she started praying that I would have some sort of comfort and that I wouldn't feel so lonely, I will always remember that! Man, now I am crying! haha anyways, thanks for your post, it is a great reminder to us all! we love you!
Now I'm crying, too! I totally remember when that happened, Cindy, and I'm gratful it made such an impression on all of us. Katie, I'm glad your evening ended better than it started. I wish I had speakers on this laptop so I could hear the song, but maybe you can put it on a CD and let me listen to it sometime. When Elder Bednar was here for Stake Conference his Saturday night talk was all about promptings and how people are always saying they don't know if a certain thought is from the Spirit, or if it's "just them." He said if you have thoughts to do something good (like call someone or help in any way) "It's not you! It's the Spirit!" That made such an impression on me and I hope that will help you, too. I love you and I love when you share your deep thoughts and insights in such a beautiful way. You truly are a gifted writer.
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