Monday, December 7, 2009

Mystery Man

Have you ever met someone, and for no reason, you just have a strange desire to be friends with them? They just have some kind of alluring quality that draws you in?

Well there's this boy in my marriage and family class. I met him the second week or so of the semester. My teacher, Brother Livingstone, loves having us "turn to our partners and discuss" certain topics, questions, and sometimes even role play. Well, on one particular day, I sat in the back. A few minutes after class started, this boy walks in and sits in the seat next to me. I had never seen him before, but immediately I thought to myself, "This guy has some kind of story." And I really wanted to talk to him. Well, fate intervened, and that day my teacher was like, "Okay boys. I'm sick of you not telling girls you like them. Turn to a girl near you, and tell you how much you like you." So this boy turns to me and is like "Hey, I really, really like you." Obviously, it was part of the assignment, so it wasn't anything too exciting, but I was happy that we at least kind of talked. My teacher had an obsessive amount of partner discussion questions, so we talked a bit more, and I just found him to be incredibly interesting. Well as class ended we said goodbye, and I went home, thinking about this interesting boy I met.

Well, for the next....oh month, I sat in the same general vicinity of where he usually sat (not creepy. It's not my fault we have the same seating preferences), and every single time, he would always sit one seat away from me, but it was far enough away that when we got into partners, he was with someone else. I kind of gave up on being his friend after awhile, but I always found his answers in class to be rather enticing. They would always bring up a different point of view, and I always found myself wanting to hear more of what he said. Like I said earlier, he was just one of those people that you can tell has some mystery to them, and an interesting story. I'll be the first to admit, I'm a people watcher. I observe everything a person does, and I analyze it. I think you can find out a lot about a person by doing that. So on occasion, when my eyes were drifting off the teacher and around the room, I would notice this guy, and I don't know . . . He was just very interesting. I don't really know how to explain it. There are a lot of guys in my class who, no offense to them, act a bit prideful and super holy, always throwing in "well on my mission . . ." or "Well when I'm married and making the big bucks and my wife is sitting at home making me dinner . . " type comments, and it always kind of bugged me. But not this guy. You can just tell he is very humble.

Well, what's the point of this story? There really isn't one. But today we actually talked again, for the first time since that first day back in the beginning of the semester. Today my teacher read us a scenario, about a couple named Bill and Sally, and then we were asked at the end what type of principles we could apply to their situation. I'll admit that I wasn't paying attention. I was kind of dozing off, and chose to opt out of the partner discussion, mainly because I had no idea what to say. I often have done this, and my teacher has never seemed to care, and would just look at me and smile like "Oh, you must be really shy because you aren't taking the initiative to talk to someone." Not the truth, but I let him believe that, as I'd rather look like a shy, friendless girl rather than show my inability to explain what I'm thinking to a classmate. Well today I guess he decided it was time to intervene. Apparently, this guy I had met so long ago, was trying to wimp out as well. He was sitting well on the other side of the room as me. Brother Livingstone went up to him and was like, "Okay, you go over there and talk to her. You'll be partners." I heard him say it, but I didn't know who he was talking to, but I was a bit surprised to look up and see this boy. He sat down, and was like "okay. good luck with this question," and smiled a devilish little smile, because it was obvious he had no idea what to say either. I just looked at him and laughed, and was like "Um..well...", when I heard a person next to me be like "Patience!" so I looked right at him and said the same thing. He laughed, and then I mentioned how I'm not very good at these on the spot questions. We talked a little bit, exchanged names (because apparently he didn't remember me. Psh. Then again, I didn't remember his name either), and then Livingstone brought us back to his attention. I was surprised when the guy didn't go back to where he was sitting, but I was okay with that. A few minutes later, we had to talk to each other again. The question was another dumb one, and he looked at me and repeated verbatim the same thing my teacher had just said, and then smiled goofily like he was so clever. And he was. Pretty much the exact same thing I would have done. haha. We talked a bit (well, mainly, he talked, and I responded with shorter responses intertwinned with giggles . . . Because that's how I roll). We had to answer another question, something about where we felt like we received our most spiritual knowledge, and his answer really impressed me. It was really honest and sweet. Then class ended, and he turned around, asked what my name was again, smiled really big and was like "see you on Wednesday". At that moment, I noticed he had the prettiest blue eyes I had ever seen. I said goodbye, then got up and left, knowing I'd probably never talk to him again.

Once again, there really isn't a point to this story. I still find this guy to be a bit of a mystery, who completely captivated my attention from the beginning. I'll never see him again, I'm sure, but for some reason, I feel quite satisfied having talked to him again, at a time when I had pretty much forgotten about him.


Jules AF said...

I love class friends.

Seneca said...

I know exactly what you are talking about. Sometimes walking through school I will pass someone and we make eye contact and I swear we have a whole conversation, with just our eyes. It is great, I have made many great friends that seemed interesting to me at first sight. I think it is great. Good post!

Anonymous said...

Well class is not over yet, there is still time.

Also, I like the Christmas music on your blog.