Monday, December 14, 2009

In about 72 hours....

I'll be back in my room

Once again close to some of the cutest kids this world has ever seen

Eating delicious food that consists of more than cereal or ramen noodles.

Goofing around with people who think I'm awesome (and I feel the same about them)

Beautiful Colorado

Maybe not all these people yet... but two of them...And a kitchen that's big enough to have more than one person in it and a refrigerator that actually has food.

Lots of cookies and holiday treats....and ingredients to make more!

One day closer to being with [[almost]] all these people.

I can't wait! :)

(and PS. My life goal of being the recipient of ward service project cookies may be complete. The other night, people put some cookies with Hilary, Stephanie, and I on our doorstep and ran away. Considering they didn't leave them for half our apartment, I've drawn the conclusion that they think we have no friends and don't feel loved. That, or they have heard of our addiction to cookies and knew that we hadn't had our fix for the day. You tell me.)

and just because I think pretty much anyone taking finals right now could benefit from this, here is my favorite quote of the week :)

I hope that some day you will have a longing, a longing that seems to wring your soul (in expressing that hope I have your interest at heart) that you will meet a wall that seems insurmountable, impregnable; but if duty lies beyond that wall, do not stand back and say, “I cannot do it!” You may aspire to do it, but that is not sufficient. Do what James . . . says: Ask God for power, but add to that faith, and acknowledgment of your own ability to do what you are able to do.

You can walk from where you stand, up to that wall. When you get there, and you have gone as far as you can, you will find in answer to your prayer that there is a hidden ladder by which you can scale it, or there is a door which you could not see from where you first standing. God's hand it shown. In that hour you become responsive to the Infinite, and you realize what it means to be entitled to the guidance of the Holy Ghost, and he will guide you in these things.”

--President David O McKay