Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Talk about a let down

Last Sunday morning, I was woken up by the lovely noise my phone makes when I get a new text message. I was so tired, so I wasn't completely awake when I opened it. I was surprised when I saw it was a text from my sister Diana stating "Did you check your email? Church was cancelled because of snow!" After reading this text, I was extremely confused, but way excited. Here was my thought process

"That is so weird that it snowed so much in both Colorado and Utah that the Church sent out a mass email cancelling church. I'm so excited!"

I actually got up at that point and went outside, fully expecting at least a foot of snow. Imagine my surprise as I opened my door and saw only a slight dusting of snow. I really just stood there for a second and tried to comprehend what was going on. At this point I was still under the impression Church had been cancelled for all of Utah and Colorado.

So, after standing outside for a few minutes (anyone that saw me probably thought I was incredibly weird to be standing outside in my pajamas at 8 in the morning, just staring off) and quite possibly getting sick, I go back to my room and lay down, thinking about how I'm so excited that Church was cancelled (I promise, I'm not apostate. I love Church. It's just nice to be able to sleep in once in awhile. Even though I do have Church at 1:30...). And then I get another text right as I was about to fall back asleep. Once again, it's Diana. However, this time it says "Lol, I meant to send that to Katie Beyerline!"

I was so sad. But life made a whole lot more sense after that.

(I realize I just posted another blog like 10 minutes ago. but I just remembered this and really wanted to post it)


Sam, The Nanti-SARRMM said...

Pictures of the top hat here and here.

Mars said...

oh my gosh this makes me laugh. Totally something I would have done!

Anonymous said...

Outside in pajamas is very awesome. Very awesome and rad indeed.

Randi said...

Lol to both you and Diana!
funny girls!

AJ and Cindy said...

that is hilarious!

Diana said...

HaHaHaHa! That is so funny! I am glad that I realized that I text the wrong person! I can totally see the whole senario playing out on your end =)lol