Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Random Methoughts

(If you don't feel like reading what's on my mind right now, go ahead and skip to the bottom where I give my recount on the library today. Since I know you're dying to hear about it)

--Today I officially became a college student. I ate top ramen for the first time since I've been at college (all 3 semesters of it). Corn tortillas just weren't cutting it for me anymore (and yes, I've been eating plain corn tortillas for dinner the past few weeks). Of course, I didn't eat it plain, cuz that just is gross. So I cooked it with an egg, some chicken, and some random cheeses I had in my fridge. It was quite possibly one of the best things I've eaten. Sometimes I wonder why I don't cook good food for myself...It's not like I don't know how (I mean, I have a recipe blog and everything). Pretty positive I just like cooking for other people. In fact, I'm making this awesomeness on Sunday. Be jealous, because you probably weren't invited.

The awesome Top Ramen meal I made today. It tasted better than it looks, I swear.

--Today as I was washing my hair with some shampoo I was swindled into buying a few months ago by a conniving hairstylist who wanted to ruin my life (true story), I realized I really need to not be so persuadable. This shampoo and conditioner doesn't even smell that great. At least it's big enough that I haven't had to buy shampoo since the end of September. It's back to Herbal essence for me once I run out though. That stuff smells so good.
--Along the same lines, I was talked into buying some Timewise moisturizer the other day from Mary Kay. Um...my skin did not react well to it. Epic Fail. Oh, and at the same time? I was talked into becoming a Mary Kay consultant. Let's see how that goes...I couldn't even sell girl scout cookies successfully...
--I had an ephinanous thought today. When I'm around guys I think are cute/funny/awesome (sometimes not so awesome), I'm either really really shy. To the point that people probably wonder if I can talk. Or I'm really loud, never stop talking, become extremely sarcastic, to the point people wonder if I know how to be serious. True story. Anyways, so I realized, that once I find a guy (who: isn't a creeper, is cute, smart, funny, and a ton of other positive adjectives.), that I completely am normal [[and awesome]] around, he's gonna be the guy I marry, and we will elope to the temple that night. He has no choice.
--Cortney should get a blog. Oh wait, she's going too. Everyone be excited. Cortney's legitimate [[have I mentioned how much I hate the word legit. Unless it's in reference to my favorite part of Hot Rod?]]
--I love cookies. Last week, I had cookies every single day. It's kind of a problem. This week has been different. I haven't had them at all. Frownsmile.
--The only exercise that gets my heart rate up at all anymore is running. I hate it, but love it at the same time.
--I just saw a commercial for the Wii Fit. I miss mine so much. I'm having ski jump withdrawals.
--And NO ONE (except for like. Megan and my Mom) liked Jacob in Twilight until they saw who plays him in the movie. And even though. Not that attractive.
--I finally fixed my iPhone so I can get picture messages again. Take that, Apple!
--24 season 8 starts very soon. I am VERY excited. I'm thinking I should watch all 7 sevens before January. Who needs school, sleep, or work anyways??
--I suck at writing letters to missionaries. Okay, I suck at sending letters to missionaries. I have like, 10 letters I've written that I never sent. Poor missionaries who don't get their weekly dose of Katie.
--I went to a dinosaur museum today. Am I a nerd because I actually was somewhat interested by it?
--My marriage and family teacher was like, "Some girls have told me, I'm pretty sure my husband was killed in the war in the pre-existence." Hm. They might be onto something.
--The other day, Kenz and I were at the gym. We were discussing a topic that was brought up in both our marriage and family classes, about past sins that you've repented of, and whether or not it's necessary to bring it up when you get married. So we are just standing there, doing some weights (we are tough. yeah baby), and this HUGE guy in a tiny little wife beater just jumps into our conversation and iwas like "You're going to create worlds with your future spouse someday. They should know every little thing about you. Think about that." or something like that. And then went back to lifting his 500 lb weights. He was weird.
--Last year I didn't hang out with a lot of guys my own age. I feel like, I'm having to make up for that this year. Some of my very favorite guys to hang out with are at least a year younger than me. But they are freaking awesome. I often forget that they aren't my age though. haha. Hopefully this means that next year, I'll hang out with guys older than me. Who want to marry me.

And since no one is probably reading anymore because my life really isn't that exciting (sad? Yes) Here's the library report.

I actually did some homework today. I made a 60 slide powerpoint to study from for my Rock Final tomorrow. Probably will still fail it though. I officially hate rocks though. Anyways, I was only there for about 30 minutes. Still not an exciting place. I did realize the ratio of guys to girls is about 10:1. It's great. But it sucked today. The second I put my laptop in my backpack and stood up to leave, this really attractive guy, who smelled really good and dressed really well, came and sat by me. Not even across from me. Right next to me. I wanted so bad to sit back down, but I realized that would be really awkward and obvious. But yeah. Still nothing too exciting. I have a good feeling about tomorrow.

And with that. It's bedtime. Good night blogging friends.

(Oh and Rude. No one took my open invitation to scrape my windows. Let's hope someone steps it up tomorrow).


Laura said...

hey on saturday I'll bring some envelopes so your poor missionary friends can get some happiness in the mail :) put them in my bag right now!

Mars said...

um your little top ramen meal looks good! I never thought to cook it with other stuff. genious! Good luck on your rock final! I know you'll do good! Um guy at the gym? WEIRD. I hate when weird people jump into conversations you didn't even know they were listening to. But thumbs up to attractive, well dressed, good smelling guys :) I hope you conveniently run into another tomorrow..er today...

Sam, The Nanti-SARRMM said...

I usually eat Top Ramen raw, but I think I'll try it your way, It does sound delicious.

And husbands dying in the pre-mortal war? Ouch. Following that logic, since spirits can't really die, their would-be husband is now one of Satan's evil followers. Sad times.

I think I'll pass by the 5th floor sometime and see if I can't spot you.

AJ and Cindy said...

haha i loved your random thoughts, you are so funny, i love it!

Diana said...

I too love reading all of your thoughts. You are hilarious. Keep them coming =) Oh and I had a bad reaction to the timewise too. But I stuck with it, because I thought if I was going to sell it I better use it. After a while my skin got used to it, and I have been using it and loving it ever since!

Jules AF said...

I love ramen. LOVE IT. But I end up eating 4 packages of it, so I'm not allowed to buy it.