Tuesday, September 22, 2009


So I have about 10 blogs that I started writing that are still in my drafts folder. Most of them are about funny situations or stories, but I'm so paranoid that somehow one of the people mentioned will stumble across my blog. haha. But just so you all know, I'm still alive. Barely. Just kidding. But my lack of sleep is starting to take a toll on me. I've even started taking naps lately. And if you know me, you know I hate naps. That might just tell you how tired I am! I think I am gonna try and work less hours next semester...Especially because I'm missing awesome things like the Biggest Loser, and a sweet cake decorating class that I've been dying to take, AND a sweet BYU college republican's meeting, because of work. haha. Umm....Nothing much else is going on. Met some cool people around my complex lately. Kind of. haha. I'm at work right now, and really wish I had something incredibly witty and funny to blog about, but my mind is drawing a blank. So sorry for this lame post. Hopefully my life becomes exceedingly more exciting in the next few days. For your sake, as well as mine.

Oh but kind of exciting. I am totally going to be in the Guiness Book of World Records...along with about 2000+ other people. lol. Last weekend, BYU attempted to break the record for the biggest game of capture the flag. And we succeeded. Woo hoo!


Kristina P. said...

I haven't played Capture the Flag in forever! How cool you met the world record!

Babzanne Barker said...

Congratulations! And you do sound tired. I guess Capture the Flag takes a lot out of a person (or a big giant group of people!)

Mars said...

sweet I miss capture the flag. I haven't played that forEVER! Man I love naps, I wish I could take some. I too keep blogs in my drafts folder but then I always forget about them haha. Glad you are alive!