Friday, June 12, 2009

Thank goodness for facebook chat

And yes. he was sitting less than two feet behind me.
Facebook chat--the key to ultimate lazyness; you don't even have to open your mouth anymore!


Babzanne Barker said...

Katie you need to stop taking advantage of your brother like this! How about if you go get him something to eat or drink next time??! love, Mom

Hilary said...

I was looking for a Like button so I could like this... and then... I realized I wasn't on facebook anymore. =D bahaha. But I totally know what you mean!!! lol

Diana said...

That was so hilarious! I seem to remember sending Daniel on a lot of tasks for me back in the day. Seem like Michael is following in his footsteps =) lol

Randi said...

What a crack-up! Heck- if you've got it, use it!