Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Green means...stop?

Is 19 too early to be losing your mind? Because I'm pretty sure I am. Today I was driving to the gym. Completely normal thing to do. I get to a stop light, and so I stop. I'm there for about oh..10 seconds, when all the sudden I notice that the light is yellow. At first I start to think "weird, I wonder when lights have started going from red to yellow." And then it dawned on me. I had stopped at a green light. There was one car next to me, but they were in the other turning lane so it didn't faze them that I wasn't going. But I'm sure anyone on the other side of the light around me must have thought I was crazy. Which I was. I'm still tryin to figure out why the heck I stopped. Yeesh.


Kristin. said...

A few years ago I stopped at a red light looked both ways and went right through it! There was even an officer in the turning lane facing me and he totally cracked up laughing when he saw my expression as I got halfway through the intersection and realized what I had done.


Diana said...

I have totally done that before!! LOL On more then one occasion actually =)

Mars said...

I have done this before. In fact I have also turned left on a red arrow when the straight light was green. I think I stopped & then just went. Who knows. I often find myself spacing out when I drive. It relaxes & destresses me...sometimes too much! Maybe I'm just in my own world a lot haha