Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Winter 2009 Schedule

I registered for classes mid-November, but I only just finalized today exactly what I want to take...Yay! I'm actually pretty excited for my classes next semester..None of them start until 1:00, and I have no classes on Friday!!

Book of Mormon with Stanley Johnson: I have heard nothing but praises for this teacher! I loved my teacher this semester, but sadly, he isn't teaching the second half of Book of Mormon during winter semester. I'm really excited though, because Brother Johnson sounds like an excellent teacher :-) My roommate Lindsay and I had originally signed up for a class with Brother Judd, only to find out it was an RM class..we switched out of that immediately! Unfortunately, there were limited classes open at that time. After I put myself into the only open class that would work with my schedule, I checked on ratemyprofessors.com (I love this website!), and found that the teacher I signed up for was really really hard and no one liked him! I was freaking out...So I refreshed the registration page religiously, and magically, one spot opened in Brother Johnson's class. Which was so great, because he was who I wanted in the first place!

Principles of Journalism with Kevin Stoker: So I have to take this class before I can apply for the Print Journalism program here at BYU. Seems pretty exciting. I loved my communications 101 class this semester, so I'm hoping this is equally as enjoyable. My brother Daniel and I are in this class together, which will be fun, unless he decides he's too cool for me and ignores me :-P

News Writing with Dennis Romboy: Another class I need to take to apply for my major..I'm hoping to apply by the end of this semester! Wish me luck :-D This should be a pretty fun class; at least I'm hoping it is!

American Heritage with Matthew Mason: The dreaded American Heritage class that everyone at BYU has to take...I'm hoping it turns out to be better than what the rumors say. However, I did read about this teacher on ratemyprofessors, and everyone seemed to really like him..Hopefully the class is more interesting and easier than I'm expecting!

Healthy Living Online: Another GE. I either could have taken the class that meets three x a week, or this online class and take two PE classes..I chose the latter option, because I was taking PE classes anyways, and I heard the online class is way easy..Woo hoo!

Dance Aerobics: LOVED this class this semester, so I figured I would take it again. I can't wait!

Human Development with Nelson: It's not entirely necessary for me to take this class, but everyone I have talked to thinks it is the best class ever. I am seriously looking way forward to it. I am also considering doing Home and family life as my minor (I'm feeling a bit hesitant about Nutrition cuz there is a lot of science involved..and as it became very obvious in biology this semester..I should probably steer clear of anything relating to science), so this class is required for that..Yay!

Intro to Guitar: Hey, I've wanted to learn for a long time, figure I might as well take it next semester!

So I think I have a pretty balanced schedule of fun and academic classes..Wish me luck!


Daniel said...

he he he ... american heritage is not better than what the rumors say .... trust me .... he he he. Stanley Johnson is good, I signed up for his class my freshman year, but I only went for a week because it didn't fit with my schedule anymore, but what I saw from him looked pretty good.

Babzanne Barker said...

No math--no science--pretty fun schedule I'd say! There are no more fun classes than the communications ones. I'm glad you and Daniel will be in it together. I'm sure he won't ignore you. He enjoys your cooking too much!

Kristalyn said...

Sounds like a good schedule. I loved the American Heritage lectures...but it was a really hard class, I had a different teacher, though. I have to disagree with both you and mom...Science classes are the way to go!

Cindy said...

i hate to be downer, but i have to be honest with you: i didn't like stan johnson. but you're probably a better student than i was and won't get in trouble all the time.

also, the dr. mason/american heritage combo sounds intense. i had him for a different history class-you'll soon realize he likes to use his hands a lot when teaching. me and other history professors used to make fun of him...oops!

ohh how i do miss the classes though.