Saturday, September 13, 2008

Funny how it works out!

You know how in my last post I said something a long the lines of "I might be going to bed earlier tonight than I have every other night this week?"

Well, I lied.

I ended up going to bed at about 3:30...which, with it being Saturday, would normally be okay if I was going to be able to sleep in.

But I had to get up at 8:30.

I'm smart, aren't I?

Surprisingly, I'm not tired!


I'll wait till later in the afternoon for this to hit me.

On the bright side, today is the BYU versus UCLA game. Woo hoo!! It's gonna be a good game :)


Diana said...

What did you end up doing? I saw that last text from you at midnight and I thought I better not text you back because you were probably in bed. I guess not! LoL

Babzanne Barker said...

Hmmmmm--I guess things must have picked up after I went to bed last night too!

Kristalyn said...

What were you doing that late? Haha welcome to college life, and why did you have to get up at 8:30?