--Job: Nope. Still haven't found one. Can I just say how I've applied a ton of places? So annoying that no one is hiring. Want to know whats even more ridiculous? So I applied at Hops, and at Hacienda Colorado. Both places somehow lost my application. Hops lost it twice, in fact! I swear, someone hates me.
--Friends: Oh yeah, I don't have any of those. Cept for my awesome possum friend Cortney. We hang out a bunch. We drive around in her car and park at King Soopers while one of us mopes about our dreadful love lives, and then I freak out because I thought someone was trying to get in our car, or a random moth flies into the car and almost kills us. Seriously. Scariest thing of my life. But yeah, all my friends from high school (all three of them), are gone. Feel bad for me. Oh but I forgot. Hannah is here. Me, her and Cortney attempted to go to IHOP last Sunday at midnight (so it wasn't sunday anymore, it was monday. Getting as close to the edge, right? ;-). Epic fail. It's not like the Provo one. It's not 24 hours! So we ended up going to Dennys. Nastiest place ever. I still feel sick from going there.
--Fam Bam: I do have a great family. Even though almost all my siblings are gone far away. But luckily Diana and Brandon are still here, so I get to hang out with them. They are the best! And I love their little kiddos. And Michael is of course still here. Even though I am mean to him sometimes (he may say all the time, but its just because I'm a very opinonated person when it comes to some things and it may come across as rude...psh), we have fun together.
--Mario Kart: Love this game. Had to blog about it. If you are on facebook, feel free to view all of my mario kart pictures on there. I play it with Cortney. I play it with Michael. I play it with the Bronson clan. Seriously, I wish that I could get a job playing Mario Kart.
--Glenwood Springs: Love this place. However, it was so hot. And I was once again reminded of how I really don't do well in the heat. Gahh. Which reminds me, I'm totally hating this 90 degree weather...can't it just be in the 60's? really?
--The Gym: I got a membership at 24 hour. It's definitely a step up from the BYU gym. Except I don't have the desk attendent asking me out. hahah. However, there is a scary person trainer I'm so afraid of. Everytime he see's me he's like "so have you gotten a job yet so you can do personal traning with me?" It may not sound scary, but it is. Imagine this big huge body builder guy with a deep voice. He's not even attractive either. Even to the point where I will extend my work out just so I don't have to see him if he's at the front desk, or shorten it if he happens to be working out at the same time. heh. Oh and here's a "wow Katie can you be anymore dumb?" story. So some guy swiped my card and was like "Have a great workout Kathryn!" and I look at him and i'm like "you too!!" Yeah...maybe he would, except for the fact he was working at the front desk. yeesh. Oh, and I've lost about 6.5 pounds since I've been home. Now I have about 15-20 more to go until I'm completely satisfied. Them Provo boys won't know what hit them next year ;-) haha
--American Idol: Tonight is the last night of singing before the Finale tomorrow. I will cry if Kris does not win. I don't like Adam. He bothers me. Love this show.
--Reba: Before I went to college, I was obsessed with this show. I came home to find that it is still on! I just can't get enough of Reba, crazy Barbara Jean, hot van, ditzy Cheyenne...haha. One day I'll own all the seasons, and torture my poor future husband and children and make them watch it. That, and 24. hehe
--I'm trying to think of something super exciting and unique that I've done. But really. Nothing comes to mind. I still can't decide on a major. Oh, I substituted in Primary on Sunday. That was a blast and a half. Especially singing time. Love singing time. As it was when I was actually in primary, I was the loudest singer.
--Oh I'm trying to teach myself Piano. I'm totally a master at the top hand of the condensed hymn book hymns. I'm thinking I'm about ready for ward pianist, don't you think?
--I'm going to see Wolverine today. Shocking, I know. I never see movies that aren't heavy laden with love, laughter, and hot men. I'm turning over a new leaf.
And I think that's enough to tide ya'll over. Sorry there's no pictures. My camera's battery died and I don't know where my charger is. Somewhere in one of my rooms (yes, I do have two rooms)
SUm...Wolverine has LOTS of hot men!
Whoops...that was supposed to say um, not Sum.
I have to agree. There were very very hot men in it! Very good movie overall.
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