Monday, April 13, 2009

Fall 2009 Schedule

Bah, I'm not even done with this semester and I've already started trying to figure out my classes for next semester! So I registered last week, thought I had the perfect schedule, life was perfect, yadayada. Well, then all of the sudden I really realized how much I love to write. Like. I just couldn't stop thinking about it (okay, so I could, but I just started thinking about it a lot). So I was like . . . what the heck, maybe I'll take Media Writing AND Intro to Family Processes. But doing this, I had to switch a bunch of classes around. Some of my roommates can atest to me having a minor freak out last night, where I just sat on my couch being like "I don't know what to do with my life or what to do for my schedule." So I've been sitting here..Trying to figure out my dumb schedule for the past few hours. And I think I have finally decided what I'm taking. And I know most of you are thinking "So you seemed to sure about the marriage and family major, you crazy indesicive girl!". Well, I did. I thought that I really wanted to do that. I really felt like I needed to take those classes last semester. But for some reason, all of the sudden I realize...I don't wanna go to school for like 5 or 6 more years (so I could get a masters in marriage and family therapy). And obviously I couldn't do anything with the marriage and family studies degree, without a masters. Not that journalists make much more. But I dunno. I think that for some reason, I needed to put off taking that news writing class until this next semester, and that I needed to take those two marriage and family classes I did this semester. Quite honestly, they've really changed my perspective on a lot of things, and I feel like it wasn't a waste taking them. One of the classes, human development, really changed my life. That sounds so corny, but others have taken that class would agree. I am grateful that I decided not to drop out of my Principles of Journalism class at the beginning of the semester like I had originally intended on doing. But yes, I don't know. Who knows if this is what I will end up doing..But for now, I will be embarking on the Print Journalism route again, and I'm gonna minor in marriage and family life. Because I only need like 2 or 3 more classes for it. So, without further adieu, drum roll......

Media Writing: Why did I drop this class for winter semester? I don't know. I'm just crazy. I'm excited though, because I've heard its a really fun class. And It'll be fun to write again, just not essays. ha ha.

Intro to Family Processes: Whether I decide to stick with this major, or just to the minor, it'll be good to have this class. It sounds plenty interesting!

New Testament: I'm taking this with my favorite teacher from this year, Brother Johnson. He is sooo good, I'm excited to take another Religion class from him!

Missionary Prep: I'm so excited for this one. Brother Bott, from what I've heard, is one of the best teachers ever. Especially since he was voted number on teacher on :)

Music 201: This is for my civ credit. Yeahhh I hate GE's, but this one seemed the least painful.

Raquetball, Golf, or Bowling: This is to finish my Health credit..I'm not sure which one I should take, any suggestions? I'm leaning towards bowling.

MAYBE Guitar: I'm gonna try and practice it up over the summer, and if I get decent enough, I'll take guitar again. We'll see.


Kristalyn said...

I hate those Civ GE's...but maybe the music one will be okay. I would definitely take fun and pretty easy. Just make sure you have enough time to get to and from it because it's kind of a long walk to the basement of the Wilk from other places on campus.

Tasha said...

I'm taking Mission prep with brother bott too! what time is your class at? mine's the monday night section.

and i took music 202 (the latter half of 201) in the fall and LOVED IT! though that may be because my major is art history. dr. howard is the best teacher ever, and makes class fun and interesting. we also got to talk about art and literature, so it was homework i actually emjoyed! i hope you like the class as well!