This was such a wonderful weekend! A few years ago I doubt I would have ever thought I would be saying, but I love General Conference weekend (it's not like I didn't want to hear the Prophet and Apostles speak...just the idea of sitting for 4 hours in one day wasn't something I really enjoyed down). This weekend I watched all four sessions of conference, and there were so many wonderful talks given! I watched yesterdays sessions on my laptop, which was nice. All of my roommates except for Andrea abandoned us (they are so mean, I know), so I had no where to go. (In Utah, General Conference is like a holiday I swear) So I basically stayed in my pajamas all day. Which, if it was socially acceptable, I would do every day, regardless of where I have to go. I love pajamas. But that's besides the point. In the break between sessions, I made banana bread. Which I make far too often for my own good, but I have to say, it's the most delicious thing in the world. Props to Cindy for the recipe! haha. The second session of conference was equally as fulfilling. The rest of the day was uneventful. Until about midnight. Andrea had gone to bed early, but I couldn't sleep, so I was just on my computer checking blogs, facebook, etc. when my friend Donovan calls, so out of respect for my sleeping roommate, I go out in the kitchen. As soon as I shut the door to our room, I think "Oh crap. I left the door locked I think." So I go back, and lo and behold, the door is locked and I have no keys. I become sad, thinking about my lonely night on the couch with no blanket, and being scared out of my mind that someone is gonna come in and kill me (Even in Happy Valley, it could happen!). Right as I'm about to lay down, I just decide to try and texting Andrea one last time. And it wakes her up! yay! So we end up talking for like 3 years about the most random stuff, but it was way fun! I love late night conversations :-D
The next morning we leave about 8:30 for Salt Lake. Me and Daniel both agree that drive feels so long, even though its only 45 minutes long. It seriously feels like so much longer! Cindy and AJ weren't home, but they were so nice and let us hang out at their apartment for the day! That morning we watched conference at their apartment, and it was so good! There were SO many good talks, I loved it. It's been a few weeks since conference, so I don't have the talks all that fresh in my mind, but this was definitely one of my favorite sessions of conference. I think from all the talks over the two days that were given, my favorite was the talk about Angels that Jeffrey R. Holland gave. I definitely recommend readin it.
Believe it or not, these pictures were POSED. She said she was awake all of conference, but I'm pretty sure she was asleep. Or else the couch was snoring. You choose!
It's really no secret that I love taking pictures of myself. I'm considering becoming a self portraitess for my profession. Because everyone wants lots of self portraits of me. I took like 30, but I felt like I needed to be less vain and only post one. My skin looks really white in this picture. Maybe I'm a vampire (because they are really beautiful). I read too much Twilight...I should probably enrich myself with something more wholesome, like the Children of the
This is the hill of death. Seriously, I might even compare it to the stairs of death that lead up from the SFH and RB (for all those who aren't BYU literate...those are the gym buildings at BYU, and they have the longest staircase ever leading up from them). It might not look that big (okay who am I kidding, this picture makes it look flat), but boy, it was steep. It's kind of ridiculous.
Daniel hates this picture, but I like it. So I'm putting it on here. Sorry Daniel, you can post a bad picture of me on your blog now (but seriously, is there such thing as a bad picture of me?) My arm looks grossly huge in this picture though. Yuck. The Conference Center is pretty though!
Here we are in the Conference Center! Yay! We had...okay seats. haha. Seriously though, I really don't think there is a bad seat in there. It's so cool just being there! There were these weird people in front of us that kept kissing, and whenever any of the speakers said anything about marriage, they were all giggly. They were totally newly weds!
So here are just some random pictures from the rest of the day! I just love the Salt Lake City Temple. It is SO beautiful! I really want to go back at Christmas time to see Temple Square all lit up!
Okay to end this post, I have to post this video. I thought it was kind of cool. So obviously, there are always tons of protestors outside of the Conference Center during General Conference (seriously, if anything, all they are doing is proving the Church is true..I mean, how many other Churches have so many people trying to disprove them?). There was this guy, and he was just saying random stuff that didn't even make sense. In the first session of conference, Elder Hales), gave a great talk about showing those who persecute us love. I think my favorite thing he said was "To love our enemies takes faith and strength and most of all Christian courage." Seriously, it takes so much effort to turn the other cheek, especially when people are tryin to prove the Church false. Anyways, while this guy was protesting, this other guy, who was obviously LDS, went up to him, shook his hand and looked like he was truly trying to show this guy respect and "Christian Courage". I actually got it on video, which was pretty cool. Definitely an example to follow :)
Oh, and a totally random side note. There is a gold car in the back of this video, and it just happened to be the car that Jared was in. Of all the people that were in Salt Lake at that moment, what are the chances? haha. I thought it was funny!
I love reading all of your blogs. You have such a great way of telling all of your stories. I like how you got that guy shaking that protestors hand on tape. I am glad that you got ahold of Andrea when you were locked out of your room! I know how scared you can get =)
you should love taking pictures of yourself katie, you are fantabulous and i love you :]
i am so glad we got to chill yesterday! it has seriously been so long!!! i am going to plan a hangout day, because lets face it, i need your amazingness in my life <3
Wow--I'm out of breath after reading that long blog!! But I loved hearing about all your adventures on Conference Weekend and I'm so happy that you loved listening to all of the talks. I agree--the "Angels" talk was awesome!
I think the first time I watched the Saturday sessions were at BYU and I've been addicted ever since. That's so fun that you got to go up to SLC! You very rightly named the stairs from the RB to the rest of campus!
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