Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Next Food Network Star

I have found my calling in life. I will be the next food network star. Well, maybe not yet, but someday! Last Sunday I was kind of bored, so I thought "Why not turn on the best channel ever..the Foodnetwork!" (because they have the best shows ever, no joke). And it must have been fate. I came across the show, The Next Food Network Star. I had read about it in The Daily Universe (for some reason I got it in the mail) that some girl that graduated from BYU was going to be on it. Well I forgot about it until I saw the show, but boy, I'm hooked! I unfortunately got into the season when there was only four episodes left...imagine my delight though when I realized that Comcast On Demand had 5 previous episodes! Last night my mom, Michael, and I watched all of those episodes. Obsessive? Perhaps, but it was pretty awesome. It made me realize that one day, I want my own cooking show. Not likely to happen, I guess my recipe blog will suffice for now! If you haven't seen this show though...definitely watch it! It's really addicting, and interesting. Some of the challenges they have to do..boy, intense! I'm a bit bummed out about the final 3 though. Adam....he always seems mad and a bit "I'm better than you, so watch out.", the girl, heck i can't even remember her name, doesnt' have much personality and isn't very interesting. I actualy like Aaron though, he's got a nice personality and made some great looking food. I'm sad that Kelsey got eliminated last week though. I really liked her. Maybe because she's a sister in the Gospel. I dunno. She was adorable though! I actually found out she had a cooking show at BYU...I will totally take over for her :) lol. Anyways, just thought I would inform everyone of this amazing show. It's on again this Sunday, and if you have ondemand, find the show and watch it!.

Now for the exciting part. Pictures of me cooking. Do I not look like a cooking show personality? I think so. Oh just as a side note, I won the Relief Society Iron Chef contest, in the dessert category a few weeks ago. I won an awesome cookbook. yay!

Okay, I'm not cooking in this one. But i was wearing an apron, so it counts. :-D Especially cuz the apron says BYU Mom. haha

But you know what..I think I know someone much more qualified to be a tv cooking show personality...Follow this link to find out who it is ;-) Sorry, but you guys that don't have facebook won't be able to see it..I would put it on here, but that video is gone...because our computer crashed last december :(

he he


Diana said...

I totally stumbled upon this show at ten last night, and I am hooked! Thanks for telling me about it being on On Demand. I was totally bummed that Kelsey got eliminated. I didn't even know that she was mormon, and she was by far my favorite. I would never watch a food show with Adam, or that boring girl (I can't remember her name either! lol) I do like Aaron though. Hopefully he will win.

Babzanne Barker said...

I can't wait until we can say, "Yes, I knew her when......!"