Friday, July 11, 2008

A new hobby! maybe it's not a new hobby, but a new exercise! Today i decided to start running! I figured, hey, I've riden the stationary bike every day for the past few years, i walk around the lake a lot, pilates, I even started doing a dance aerobics video (gotta get ready for my class this fall!), so Running will be NO problem. Well, I guess running is a lot different from the other exercises I've been doing, and along with the fact that I haven't really ran in say...forever? (unless you count semi-running the mile in freshman gym class), it sure does bring my pulse up a lot more! I went for about 10 minutes without stopping, which I think is not too shabby for just starting out, but man, it was intense! I came home and laid on the couch for like five minutes afterwards and drank a big ol' water bottle in about 15 seconds. I guess it didn't wear me out too bad cuz I went and rode the bike for 30 minutes...but running sure did make me feel good afterwards. Oh yes, and as usual with everything I do (walking, going to the library, going to the store..), I brought my brother Michael along. What a good sport! Someday, I shall run a marathon. Well..maybe a half marathon. Okay, maybe around the lake. But I do think this might very well become one of my new found hobbies nonetheless ;-) Now onto my next endevour...hmm..sewing maybe?


Linda said...

Go for the marathon! If you lasted ten minutes on your first run, you lasted 9 minutes and 30 seconds longer than I've ever been able to run!

Lindsay said...

Hey katie! That's awesome about your new hobby :) I'll have to get into shape and we could go running this fall hehe. (to comment on YOUR comment from my blog..) No,my friend isn't going to BYU, she is going to Utah State. But i'm sure you'll meet her sometime. I can't wait for this fall!

Diana said...

That great Katie! Every time you will be able to go a little bit further. You will be running a marathon in no time!

Babzanne Barker said...

Yay, Katie! Aren't you glad I gave you this idea! Since that is as close as I'll ever get to running a marathon, or even around the block...(But I really do think you will do great with this--good luck!)

Kristalyn said...

I am so excited that you are into running! THere really isn't anything to compare to it! After i did the 1/2 marathon i decided that was good enough for me and I never have a desire to run a whole one...but MAYBE I would do a 1/2 one again. You'll fit right in in Provo, every Saturday, there are always TONS of people running around. :)

AJ and Cindy said...

That is so cool you are starting to run. I absolutely hate running! but a lot of people love to do it (like you and kristalyn, lol) good for you!